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Season Monsuno: World Master, Episode 17
Air date July, 19, 2012
Episode guide

Trophies is the seventeenth episode of Monsuno: World Master.


The episode starts with Dom Pyro digging in the temple that we saw collapse down on his previously. He finds a mouse and captured it and found his missing core, afterwards saying to himself that Chase and co. have to pay with their lives.

Chase has a dream of visiting his long-lost mothers grave but she appears behind him in a white cloak and shows him her face, causing him to shoot up from his sleep in alarm.

The next day the group, minus Beyal, are seen sitting at a table talking about his dream and if or not it was actually a vision. Chase tells them that he's never seen his mother and that they lost her when he was only a baby. When Dax suggests they ask Beyal about it, Jinja explains that he's been 'touchy' about the whole vision situation lately, resulting in the monk snapping at her telling her that he can hear her perfectly fine. He claims that Chase 'stole [his] visions and [was] now flaunting it in [his] face' and asks to be left alone. Afterwards Chase says he going to to take a walk to clear his head, but accidentally leaves his cores on the table. Meanwhile Jinja and Dax go off to learn more about each other and Bren tries to help Beyal. This scene ends with Bren suggesting the worst possible ideas to help Beyal strengthen his visions.

We follow Chase as he walks through the town/city they were in but stops when he sees someone in a similar white cloak as his dream-mother and follows them before embarrassingly asking if they were his mom. They reveal themself to be Dom Pyro and grabs Chase by the arm, most likely about to kidnap him, but he gets away in time. Chase runs down an allyway in an attempt to get away, but Dom Pyro appears everywhere he goes resulting in him taking a wrong turn and ending up at a dead end. Chase hides before Dom Pyro gets there and he assumes that he's hidden in the dumpster. However. he flings it open only to reveal absolutely nothing and Chase dashes out from behind a bunch of trash bags, this time succeeding in his escape.

Meanwhile Bren is following Beyal as he walks in circles around the room, pestering him about how probably not having visions would be better for him, saying how he'll get over it and he knows exactly how he feels. Beyal then snaps at him yet again, asking how he could possibly understand what he's going through and to let him be. bren brings up his 'vision problems' and how his dad made him feel better about it by taking him to the circus and he then asked a follow up question; if he wanted to go the circus, saying even monks can enjoy it. Beyal glumly respons that he is no longer a monk without his visions and that he is simply nothing.

Dax and Jinja are seen talking about each others pasts, namely Dax's. They start it off on why he wears his hair in dreads, which was because a piece of chewing gum got stuck in it and he liked the way it looked. They then flipped a coin that landed on head, that meant Dax got to ask the question. He asks why she was so interested in him and she simply replies that he's different than everybody. She says that she is interested in his and finishes it off with 'Gummy' which she later states is his new nickname. She gets up from the crate she was sitting on and get closer to him, asking about if there was any other flavours in his hair or even jacket. Chase meets up with them while they were still in their embarrassing position.

They run into the room Beyal and Bren are in to snatch their cores. Chase tells them that Dom Pyro is hot on his trail and that they need to get out of there immediately. DP finds them soon after and they climb down the fire escape so they have more room to fight. Dom Pyro follows them through the window and smashes a car. He brings up Jon Ace which causes Chase to lose focus and have a ten second brooding session, which quickly ends when they send out their Monsuno. It is revealed that Dax got a new Monsuno. Everybody, minus Beyal, sends out a Monsuno (Lock, Fireblaze, Charger, & Quickforce) and DP send his out following (Dragonburn) but he quickly throws out Tazer Pucks to knock Team Core Tech out while their Monsuno are still out. He recalls Dragonburns, stating that the battle would be too much for him. Just as the Core Tech Monsuno were about to finish him off they automatically return to their cores, already being out for eight minutes.

The group wake up tied up in a net above the ground in a mysterious dome. Hundreds of trophy-like animals where on the walls and ground for obvious decoration. They find that their cores are gone upon waking up. DP is seen humming and laughing as he enters the room with the mouse from the begining locked in a cage. He tells the mouse that he wanted to solution to be just right so that they'll be preserved perfecting so that they'll be added to the rest of his trphie collection, causing the team to look at him is shock and/or horror.

Dom Pyro is then humming while mixing a metalic substance in a large container, telling the mouse that he'll have to test it on him. He leaves to find his dipping tongs. When Chase asked the group for ideas Beyal respons that if fate wanted them to die like this then so be it and that it didn't matter anymore. Jinja points out the tusks of one of DP's trophies and that if the swing there they could break the next. When they do however, only Bren and Chase are freed while Jinja, Beyal, and Daz are still tangled in the net. Bren is shown to apparently like mice as he frees the captive one as the first thing her does when he's freed. Dom Pyro reappears, first shocked but then laughing. They see their cores and grab them, sending out Lock, Quickforce and Dragonburn. Dragon burn is soon pushed through the wall and down the side of the building, with DP shouting after it. Thinking it was all over, Chase tells Bren to free the others, but is horribly mistaken when Dragon burns appears through the other wall and tackles Lock. DP tells his Monsuno not to tear him apart to badly because he'd make an even better centerpiece than Chase.

Dax manages to loosen the next but they all fall out. Bren comes to the rescue and has them safely lowered onto Quickforce's back. Dom Pyro orders Dragonburn to not let them get away, however, Bren on time orders Quickforce to protect itself. Lock ends the battle by sending Dragonburn back into it's core but DP has another Tazer Puck. The mouse swoops in and bites his hand causing him to throw it into his trophy mixture. The group get out but Dom Pyro is still stuck inside when the building explodes.

Dax begins freak out when he realizes he doesn't have his cores and the thing he wears around his shoulder. Jinja gives it to him, telling him that she grabbed it when they left. Dax thanks her and she asks something that wasn't a core that was in it. He simply pays her a quarter was what she did and told her that his past was off limits. He then says that they should get out of there and Bren suggest that maybe a Hospital because he thinks something is seriously wrong with Beyal. Beyal simply respons that he is alright while Chase tells him that they have to go and that they can help him stand if he needed.

The episode ends with us see Dom Pyro roughly grab the exact same mouse with an evil grin on his face.

Monsuno Debuts

Monsuno Seen

